A bitmapped image of Edward Shturman


Everything from design experiments to side projects

compsigh project page layout
Work in progress on a new web platform for compsigh, the computer science club at the University of San Francisco. Members open a PR with just a Markdown file and can share their work anywhere. Decorations — inside jokes, soundbites, Discord server emotes — are strewn across the margins to make the page feel more personal.

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compsigh Events page
Work in progress on a new web platform for compsigh, the computer science club at the University of San Francisco

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Difference blend mode cursor
compsigh landing page
Work in progress on a new web platform for compsigh, the computer science club at the University of San Francisco

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A gif of Intention, a proof-of-concept app I made for one of my classes to promote Deep Work: One thing at a time. Most important thing first. Start now.
A proof-of-concept app I made for one of my classes to promote Deep Work: One thing at a time. Most important thing first. Start now.

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compsigh flyer
A flyer for compsigh, the computer science club at the University of San Francisco. We handed these out at our university's annual Spring event for incoming freshmen.
A gif of the compsigh cascade UI
compsigh cascade
A platform I design-engineered with Gursh to host a coding riddle competition for compsigh, the computer science club at the University of San Francisco. Fit with auth via NextAuth, event flags via Vercel Edge Config, and teams + invites + leaderboard via Vercel Postgres.

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Mockups of a PWA I made with friends at Dons Hack 2024, an annual hackathon hosted at the University of San Francisco by Association of Computing Machinery × Women in Tech
Mockups of a PWA I made with friends at Dons Hack 2024, an annual hackathon hosted at the University of San Francisco by Association of Computing Machinery × Women in Tech
A set of 4K AI-generated wallpapers from DEPLOY/23, a hackathon hosted by compsigh, the computer science club at the University of San Francisco

Grab them on Gumroad

A logo for the Innovation Hive maker space at the University of San Francisco
Hive logo
A logo for the Innovation Hive maker space at the University of San Francisco
A banner of the GitHub Contrib Emojis, showing all 10 emojis in the set
GitHub Contrib Emojis
A set of 10 high-quality icons modeled after the GitHub contribution chart you can upload to your Slack workspace or Discord server as emojis!
  • Light mode & dark mode ready
  • Padding built in, so they'll look great alongside each other
  • Recreated using GitHub Light Default / GitHub Dark Default themes

Grab them for free

A set of AI-generated avatars for the leadership team of compsigh, a computer science club at the University of San Francisco
compsigh leadership avatars
A set of avatars I generated with Midjourney for the Fall 2023 leadership cohort of compsigh, the computer science club at the University of San Francisco
A set of AI-generated vector icons for compsigh, a computer science club at the University of San Francisco
compsigh icons
A set of vector icons I generated with Recraft for compsigh, the computer science club at the University of San Francisco
A thumbnail for U Can UI, a workshop on why engineers should design, and how to start
U Can UI
A distilled version of a workshop I ran for compsigh, the computer science club at the University of San Francisco, on why engineers should design, and how to start

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Realm Thread Queue
Thread Queue for Realm, a Discord bot I'm building. Lets you pluck individual messages from a channel into a thread. Great for separating multiple conversations going on in the same channel.

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An AI-generated image of a skull in the middle of a spread of fruits, wine bottles, and other objects befitting a still life painting
Nature Morte
Generated with Midjourney
A carousel of AI-generated fashion designs inspired by traditional Ukrainian vyshyvanka
Новий Світ — New World
Fictitious fashion collection exploring traditional Ukrainian vyshyvanka, modernized. Generated with Midjourney.
An AI-generated image of an abandoned trainyard, dimly lit in the misty night
Generated with Midjourney
A banner for Arc Boosts, showcasing two screenshots of GitHub on different Arc themes, styled with the GitHub Boost I wrote
Arc Boosts
Style popular websites based on your Arc theme

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